Dangers Seen and Unseen

In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
— PSALM 56:4 (NIV)

There are some people who don’t want to see you do good in life. Someone’s plotting against you right now. Someone you don’t know is lying on you. Someone that you do know just smiled in your face and frowned as soon as you walked away. Someone’s fighting against your promotion. Someone’s trying to break up your relationship. Someone, somewhere, is out to get you and you know what I say… “So what?!”

If God be for you, who is crazy enough to be against you?  When you trust in God, what do you have to be afraid of?  He told you no weapon formed against you would prosper, right? So what can mere mortals do to you but talk? Let them keep talking! All they are doing is getting you closer to where God wants you to be. God will protect you from dangers both seen and unseen. Do you honestly think the plans God has for you can be sidetracked by gossipers, backbiters, or naysayers?  Nope! Keep praising God in the midst of those who try to do you wrong, who slander your name, or try to destroy your character. Trust in Him and don’t be afraid of what mere mortals can do to you. All you have to do is pick out your favorite chair and position yourself to put your feet up. You got a lot of footstools coming your way!

Dust your shoulder off!

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Heavenly Father, I praise Your word. It is in You I have all my trust and I am not afraid. No one can touch me while I am in Your hand! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer