He's Calling You

Jesus answered them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’
— LUKE 5:31 - 32 (NIV)

Did you miss the mark last week? Did you fall short, back slide, or any other of the cute t-shirt sayings that mean, “I messed up?”  You did? Good! Jesus is calling you!

Jesus can’t do anything with someone who thinks they’re perfect or already has it all together. Jesus is looking for those seeking repentance, change, and improvement. When you know you can’t do it alone, and seek God’s help, you allow Christ to enter in and help you make the change you need. After all, if you could change yourself, I’d hope you would have by now instead of making the same mistakes, living a life you don’t like, and making everyone around you miserable while you’re living it. And when you answer His call, don’t be surprised by who or what He sends in your life to help orchestrate your change. You just pray, be ready to do whatever God says, and welcome the new you.

The Doctor will see you now

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Heavenly Father, I’m ready to change and I need Your help. I messed up. Forgive me for my sin. I repent and turn from ways, Lord. Cleanse me and make me new again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer