God's Hand is Bigger

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.
— JAMES 4:10 (NIV)

There was a kid who would faithfully stop by the candy store after school to look at all the tasty treats beautifully wrapped in their bins, but never had enough money to buy anything. One day, the owner noticed the kid and said, “You know what? I’m going to let you have one handful of candy for free!” The kid stood silently, looking at the candy and store owner. The owner asked, “What’s wrong? Are you allowed to have candy?” The kid replied, “Yes.” “Well, reach your hand in there. I’ll give you one handful free. Something wrong with your hand?” the owner asked. The kid answered, “No, but your hand is bigger!”

Realize that God’s hand is bigger than yours and can give you more and lift you up higher than you or anyone else can. Instead of trying to get ahead in life or all you can get on your own, humble yourself before the Lord, and allow Him to advance and promote you. When He blesses you, it’s exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think. Seek His face, and His way of doing things, and He will add everything to your life that you’ll ever need.  Today, don’t be afraid to ask God to bless you. Speak to Him and specifically request your blessing and be ready to humbly do whatever He tells you to receive it.

Ask Him…

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Heavenly Father, I present myself humble before You. I know You can lift me higher than I or anyone else ever can. Bless me indeed, Lord, as I seek Your face and Your way of doing things. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer