Can't Understand It

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Ever wonder why God allows certain things to happen in life? I’m not saying questioning God, but just an attempt to understand why.  When you have a plan to get out of debt, an unexpected bill comes knocking. Maybe you’re trying to have a child and it’s not going as planned. Perhaps you’ve found the love of your life only to find out they’re not the one.  Then the caveat is to witness others having or achieving what you work diligently for only to experience disappointment after disappointment and setback after setback.

You may not always know or understand where your next blessing is coming from, just like you don’t know the path of the wind God creates. You just know He’s in control of the wind and is able to determine how much and when it blows. While it’s hard to understand the work of God, keep your faith knowing that God loves you and has a plan for you. God’s time is not your time, but His timing is always perfect. Jesus isn’t saying “No” to your prayer. He may just be saying “Not now” or “Not yet.” When He releases the blessing He has for you, it’s going to be exactly when you need it. Keep being prayerful and remain faithful.

All in due time

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Heavenly Father, I don’t always understand Your plans for me, but I do understand You are in control and only want what’s best for me. Thank You for Your many blessings and for continuing to always be mindful of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer