The Great Escape

Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so people are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.

This week you will be tested. No, I’m not a prophet and I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do know God loves you and He has great plans for you. In order for you to experience His great plans for your life, He has to prepare you. The way God does this is by allowing you to experience some not-so-good times (I dare say “evil times) that will fall unexpectedly on you. It won’t feel great, but the end result is a better you.

During your not-so-good time, remember that God is in control and trying to take you to your next level in life. He’s already prepared a way for you to escape this evil time. The test is do you remember how Jesus told you to pass it? I’ve said it before; don’t be so quick to give the devil credit when you’re going through rough times. Even if it is Satan trying you, He can’t do anything to you without God’s permission. If the devil could kill you, he would’ve done it by now. Boom! Proof that God is still in control. So, in your current or future time of struggle, try your best not to focus all your energy on the situation, but look to Jesus for your great escape.

If God did it before…

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Heavenly Father, I know when You test me it is for my good and You’ve already provided a way to escape. Help me to see You and Your power when I’m trapped by evil times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer