He Ain't Finished

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

With everything I’ve been through in life, one thing has remained consistent: God brought me through! Normally when you hear someone say, “God brought me through,” our thinking tends to gravitate toward the hardships or rough times a person experiences in life. In my comment above, I too was referring to the tough times God has saw me through, but He also has seen me through some great times in my life too!

You may like your current job. Your marriage may be the thing fairytales are written of. You have your health, the car you want, and you’re enjoying living life. But just imagine, God still ain’t finished with you yet. He has so much more He wants you to become. He has so much more He wants to show you and for you to experience. All these experiences may not be comfortable, but find comfort in knowing Jesus will bring you through. No matter how many ups and downs you may have in life, you can change your downs into ups having confidence that God is in control and working on you. He has started a good work in you and will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Until that day comes, He ain’t finished with you yet!

It’s only the beginning

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Heavenly Father, thank You for my life. I know You are in control and will see me through the ups and downs of life. Thank You for continuing Your good work in me to completion until the day of Your Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer