
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
— PROVERBS 11:25 (NIV)

As believers, we are all connected in the body of Christ. God’s plan is that we support one another and collectively benefit from these efforts. Ever notice how much more fulfilled you are after you’ve helped someone? Does it lift your spirit after lifting someone else’s spirit? It’s because God is taking the goodness you’ve poured out and pouring it back into you – refreshed!

God says if you give He’ll give it back to you, except not in the same way you gave it. See, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but God always has to show off and overdo things. Like, He doesn’t want you to just have life, but He wants you to have it abundantly. He doesn’t want to bless just you, but your children’s children as well. And it’s the same in this case. When you give of yourself, He gives it back to you, but running over! So when you are generous to others with your love, time, and money, God causes you to prosper. When you refresh the weak, the defeated, or those who may have been mistreated, He in turn will refresh you. If you haven’t felt fulfilled or refreshed lately, try refreshing someone today. You may uncover the prosperity you’ve been seeking all along.

Show off, Lord!

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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your precious promises. I will be generous to others as You make my way prosper. I will refresh others so that You may, in turn, refresh me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer