This week, I introduced my kids to one of the funniest 90’s comedies (to me), Major Payne starring Damon Wayans. In one scene of the movie, an injured soldier was complaining about the pain he was experiencing. Major Payne’s solution to this pain was to give him something else to focus on that would distract him from his current situation causing him to focus on the other. If you know this movie, you may be thinking, “Van, that’s a horrible way to open an inspirational devotional!” but just stick with me…
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At times, you too may experience some pain or uncomfortable situations. Life can come at you fast and hard with struggles and stresses and sometimes a good distraction is what you need. In these times, forget about yourself for a moment and remember to do something good for someone else. When you take time to share or do good for others, you please God, and open opportunities for good to be done unto you. You also distract yourself from the hell you are experiencing when you bless others. You may even find whatever you’re experiencing isn’t so bad after all and through your sacrifice of helping others, God has now blessed you to overcome your obstacle. Give it a try today! What do you have to lose?
Concentrate on Him…
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