“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”
We have plenty of ways and opportunities to learn and experience God’s word. We have preachers who preach their hearts out to us. We have Sunday school teachers who present weekly lessons to us. We have bible study and prayer service where we all come together to learn of God’s goodness and how to live blessed. We even have movies, mini-series, bestselling books, and daily devotionals to our emails (subscribe HERE) to remind us who scripture says we are in Christ. But none of the sermons we hear, the lessons we’re taught, the prayers we pray or the devotionals we read mean anything if we don’t put what we know into action.
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Today, I want to challenge you to focus on just one scripture you know or have learned recently and put it into action. Whatever Jesus told you to do in His word, in your studies, or through your prayer, do it! You have been brought into the knowledge of God’s word not so that you can sound holier than thou at your next church meeting, but so that you will be blessed. So that your house will be blessed. So that your community will be blessed. So that the world will be blessed. Whatever you know that God has told you, put it into action today and let’s witness together God’s awesomeness through one another!
Don’t wait! Act now!
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“Heavenly Father, You have taught me so much. Your word have I hid in my heart. Today, I choose to put Your word into action and be blessed by You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”