Handle God's Business

In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good.

I have participated in a lot of meetings. Business meetings. Church meetings. Community meetings. Fraternity meetings. Planning meetings. The list is endless. Some were good. Some were unnecessary (to me). Some were impactful. Others were too long (to me). When it comes to handling the business of the church, as leaders, we have to be mindful of God’s agenda, the people we serve, and those God has trusted us to lead.

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Yes. The church is God’s business (Acts 6:1-3) and He has chosen you to represent His business and distribute His product to the world.  Be sure your meetings glorify God. Some ways of accomplishing this are being organized, prepared, and that your meetings promote godly results. With the condition of today’s church, there is no time to waste meeting for nothing or recycling the same ideas that didn’t work last year. God said He will do a new thing! Make sure your traditions don’t prevent you from knowing the new thing God is doing. Make sure your meetings are about serving and helping people and not to show how much you know. Make sure your meetings do more good than harm and are geared towards handling God’s business.

“All in favor…”

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Heavenly Father, I choose to be about Your business and to distribute Your product to the world. I will make sure my meetings concerning Your business does more good than harm. Thank You for choosing me and trusting me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer