“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
I dislike the saying “Birds of a feather, flock together.” I mean, I can understand what the saying is getting at, but we can’t allow a saying to prevent us from completing Christ’s mission. While Jesus walked the earth, He was seen with tax collectors, prostitutes, the poor, the sick, thieves, and all sorts of lawbreakers. That didn't mean He was one. His goal was to reach them, introduce them to God, and change their lives for the better. Forever.
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As a believer, you will be exposed to some common folk. It’s your job to show them Christ through who you are and not what you want them to be. Everyone you meet may not be saved. Everyone you meet may not share your sexual orientation, political views, or tax bracket. They may have broken some promises, laws, or even bones, but this isn’t cause to shun them. This is an opportunity to show them the love of God. Don’t let sin, someone’s mistake, or lifestyle stop you from reaching them for Christ. You can’t walk with someone through life except you agree, but how will you know if you agree if you never talk to them? Introduce someone to Christ and let Him do the rest. You agree?
Walk and talk
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for the strength and example of Your testimony. I do not have the spirit of fear, hate, or prejudice. I will not allow sin to stop me from showing others Your love and loving them as You do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”