All Day, Everyday

I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.
— PSALM 34:1 (NIV)

Our God is an awesome God and worthy of our continuous praise. He has seen you through some pretty tough times *|FNAME|* .  In today’s scripture, David says he will extol the Lord at all times and God’s praise will always be on his lips. I know you’re probably thinking, “I love God, but how can I extoland praise Him all day every day when I have to work, go to class, raise kids, exercise, along with everything else?” I’m glad you asked *|FNAME|* .

The way you carry yourself at work, behave in your class, or how you raise your kids can extolGod and offer plenty praise when you’re doing those things with Him in mind and pleasing to Him. But don’t allow yourself to be too consumed that you don’t have time to offer Him direct praise, which is the fruit of your lips. God is worth setting aside a specific time each day where you tell Him thank You and say how good He has been to you. Challenge a friend to keep you accountable each day with a text or email reminder. Whatever you do, make sure that all day, everyday, you have a praise for God.

Lord, You are good…

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Heavenly Father, You are good and worthy of all my praise. I will extol Your name at all times and Your praise will always be on my lips. Bless Your Holy name! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer