Leave Everything

After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. ‘Follow me,’ Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.
— LUKE 5:27-28 (NIV)

What are you willing to change for God? What are you willing to give up for Christ?

It’s easy to say what you would’ve done while watching your favorite movie, but what about when the decision is right in front of you. When in the moment, Peter denied Jesus not once, but three times. Peter wasn’t ready to give his life. The rich, young ruler turned away when Jesus told him to give his riches to the poor. He wasn’t willing to change his social status.

In today’s scripture, we see Levi, a tax collector, immediately leaves everything behind to follow Jesus. He prepared a great banquet for Christ and served him. He sacrificed all he had for the chance of following Christ. I’m not sure what happened to the rich, young ruler, but Peter redeemed himself after denying Christ. You too can do the same. If you’ve ever put yourself, your friends, your material things, or your leisure activities before God, you can change that today. Jesus said, “I didn’t not come for the righteous, but sinners to repent.” Ask Jesus for forgiveness and allow Him to redirect your path. If you think you already have “it” all together, you leave little for Jesus to do for you. Be ready for your next opportunity to leave everything and follow Christ.

For the love of Christ

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Heavenly Father, forgive me for putting anyone or anything before You. I choose today to leave everything and follow Christ. Bless me indeed God! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer