A True Example

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

I lost someone very close to me this week. Deacon Frank Brooks, Jr. wore many hats. Not only was he my Chairman, but he was also my mentor, teacher, and friend. He defined for me what it meant to be a humble servant. He never looked for the proverbial pat on the back, he was always on time to church (I used to race in attempt to beat him there, but I swear he slept there Saturday night), and most of all, he was consistent. During one of our many conversations, he shared with me he was a deacon “24/7” and I introduced this ideology to other deacons as a template. When I became chairman under his mentorship, he left huge shoes to fill, and I learned quickly that I never could – even on my best day. I gave up trying to fill those shoes, and just continued to follow his example.  I was blessed to talk with him during his last days. He told me he didn’t want to be remembered in the state his illness rendered him. I assured him no one would remember him in his sickness, but only for the example he lived for me and everyone to follow.

My friend, life is too short. Don’t waste it wondering what people will think or say about you. Live Life each day pleasing to God in a way others can follow you to Christ. You may fail at times. You will make mistakes. But 1 John 1:9 says if you confess your sins, God will forgive you and cleanse you from everything you've done wrong. Someone is in need of the example Christ has placed in you.

“Thanks, Guy.”

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Heavenly Father, thank You for placing people in my life as examples to follow in Your Way. Guide me in living a life pleasing to You that will lead others to Christ.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer