Once Dead

Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death.
— HEBREWS 11:19 (NIV)

As believers, we’re sometimes guilty of letting outside forces hinder our relationship with God. You may think you have to stop doing wrong before you can go to church or think half the people that do go are hypocrites. You may choose to not participate in ministry because you don’t like the person in charge or not pray with people because you feel they’re backbiters and gossip about you. Whatever your reason, it has nothing to do with God and should not hinder your relationship with Him.

Abraham had faith that if he sacrificed his son, God would raise him from the dead. God made a promise to Abraham through Isaac. He believed his son to be near death, but God gave him back even better. Whatever spirit in you that is hindering your relationship with God, give it to Him today. Sacrifice your comfort zone and your opinion of others so that God can raise your spirit from the dead. Your spirit will be free to see God and clear to hear God. Receive this gift of life from God and begin to worship Him in spirit and truth.

Clean this house

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Heavenly Father, You are awesome and all powerful. I place at your feet any spirit that hinders my relationship with You. Create in me a clean spirit Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer