Reward in Confidence

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
— HEBREWS 10:35 (NIV)

“The struggle is real!”

No one said life would be easy. It’s full of triumphs and disappointments, break ups and break throughs, ups and downs. Unfortunately, sometimes it can seem like the downs last longer than the ups. During these dreadful down times in life, don’t throw away your confidence in God. He is faithful and will richly reward you. Sometimes you will have to step back and evaluate your life and the choices you’ve made that have you where you are. “What else could I be doing?” “Where did I go wrong?” Other times, it may not be something you’ve done wrong, but something you’ve done right. God may be testing you in an area before He richly rewards you.

The next time you feel things aren’t going as planned in your life, remember to keep your confidence in God. It is through your diligence and faithfulness to God that you will receive your reward.

My day is coming

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Heavenly Father, I will not throw away my confidence. I know I will be richly rewarded if I remain faithful to You and Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer