Treat Ev-'ry-bod-y Right

And masters, treat your servants considerately. Be fair with them. Don’t forget for a minute that you, too, serve a Master—God in heaven.

Having grown up in church, I have a liking for older church songs. Not so much the “Call and Response” songs in which you can’t really understand what’s being said, but songs like On the Battlefield for My Lord, Oh Happy Day, or I Will Trust in the Lord. (I can hear the seasoned members leading devotion in my old church now.) There’s a verse in I Will Trust in the Lord that I wish more people would take more seriously – and so does God in heaven. The verse says, “I’m gonna treat everybody right…until Iiiiiiiii diiiiiiiiieee.” In my defiant days, I’d look at certain people singing that verse in church thinking to myself, “Sis. Johnson know dog gone well she don’t treat everybody right.” But today, because God allowed me to experience some things, I realize how important it is to treat everybody right; I no longer look at everybody else singing those lyrics, but choose to look at myself.

God wants you to treat people considerately and to be fair with everyone. If you’re in a leadership position, official position, head of a committee, or deliver newspapers, God wants to remind you not to forget for a minute that you too have someone over you – God in heaven. Jesus instructs us to love one another and to forgive as He has. Singing a song may make you feel good, but actually doing what the song says will make you feel great!

Sing from the heart

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Heavenly Father, thank You for treating me right, forgiving me, and loving me. You have blessed me so I can bless others. I will be considerate and fair to others and treat everybody right. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer