Good Things

… no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.
— PSALM 84:11c (KJV)

God’s blessings to you today my friend. I want to encourage you to look for the “good things” God allows you to witness this week. Whether they happen in your life or the lives of family, friends, or co-workers that surround you, stop and take a mental note of God working and say, “Thank you, Jesus.”  Don’t take anything for granted! If He woke you up this morning say, “Thank you, Jesus.” If you made it to work safely say, “You’re a great God!” If you open a door today without any assistance say, “Bless Your Holy name!”

Too often we think we don’t deserve good things because of our past, but the truth is God has never withheld good from happening. We just look past them sometimes. The more you thank God the more you recognize Him and begin to walk with Him.  Before you know it, the small good things won’t seem so small, but there will be plenty of room to receive the BIG good things.

Look all over for God’s hand

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Heavenly Father, thank You for not withholding good things from me. I will witness the good works of Your hand as I walk with you today. Thank you God! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer