Get Out The Boat

…‘Lord, if it’s You,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to You on the water.’ ‘Come,’ He said…
— MATTHEW 14:25-32 (NIV)

What are you afraid of doing that God has told you to do? It’s something that’s been on your mind to do that would cause you to fully exercise your faith in God. Is it ending a relationship you’ve been in a long time? Is it leaving a place or job you’ve been with for years? It doesn’t feel safe because it’s uncomfortable and maybe you can’t predict the outcome, but today is the day you get out the boat!

Jesus is calling for you to take your walk of faith toward Him. Your security is keeping your eyes on Him and not what’s around you. When Jesus invited Peter to leave his boat and walk on water towards Him, Peter accomplished Christ-like results as long as his focus was on Christ. The moment Peter took his eyes off Jesus and focused more on the wind and uncertainty surrounding him, he began to sink. But Jesus was right there to catch him before any harm could overtake Peter. Likewise, Jesus is there to catch you. Step out on faith. Complete that job application. Write the book God placed in you. Go back to school. Don’t allow whatever is keeping you in your boat to keep you there another day. He’s calling you on to the water. Take the first step.

Rock the boat

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Heavenly Father, I hear You calling me to You. Today, I leave my boat in faith knowing You will make all things work for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer