Putting in Work

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
— Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

Everyone has an idea of what their dream job is. For some, their dream is to own a Fortune-500 company, while for others it may be working from home. Even if you’re blessed with the career of your dreams, there will be times you will have to work hard or experience frustration. This is just part of life. Nevertheless, God wants to help you enjoy what you do—and when you’re operating in His will, there is a joy in your spirit that no one or situation can take away from you.

Wherever you are in life, God has you there for a reason. There are no dead-end jobs in Christ. Someone around you needs to know Christ and will only experience His love through you, your words, or how you conduct yourself as a Christian. So, the next time you’re called into a 4-hour board meeting on a Friday or when a co-worker decides it’s your turn to be stressed, remember God placed you there for a reason, and be willing to work as if you were working for Him. Because guess what? You are!

Don’t get caught with your work undone

Lord, whatever I am doing, I will do it for Your glory. I am content where You have placed me and know that it is Your will. Reveal to me Father what You would have me to do and say that is pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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