Age Ain't Nothing but a Number

Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.
— Psalm 92:13 - 14 (NIV)

Richard Bach has a quote that says, “Here’s a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.”

In the bible, God never placed an age limit on the people He used to show Himself strong, so why would He start now? Scripture says in Genesis 18:11 that Abraham and Sarah were both very old, and Sarah was long past the age of having children, when God fulfilled His promise to them of a son, Isaac. The miracle God birthed to them went on to have a long lasting effect to many nations.

Likewise, the fact that you’re still here on earth means that God is not finished with you yet, and you still have work to do. You may have slowed down a bit now, but the words of wisdom you share with others will out run the hands of time! God still has a purpose for your life. Your mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ hasn’t changed, maybe just the manner in which you do it. God said you will flourish and bear fruit even in old age. So no matter your age, allow me to encourage you and allow God to move in you and continue to strengthen you. He still values you and has a miracle to work in you.

 God’s spring chicken

Lord, thank You for your grace in allowing me to grow in You each day I live. I know You can use me to do Your work. Please continue to strengthen me and allow me to flourish in Your courts and bear fruit that stays. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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