There’s Been an Awakening

But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…
— Acts 1:8 (AMP)

As the New Year quickly approaches the phrase New Year resolution keeps popping up. Some resolutions are geared towards losing weight, starting new careers, or making new friends. Personal growth and changes are often good starts of entering a new year, and Acts 1:8 reminds me that I am capable of doing supernatural things because I have the power and ability of the Holy Spirit.

Remember this year you don’t have to rely only on your own power to change your life or the things around you. Awaken the power and ability of the Holy Spirit that resides inside of you. Tap into the extraordinary force God has placed in you. It doesn’t matter what people said about you last year or think about you in the New Year. God loves you and thinks the world of you! Awaken the force of the Holy Spirit inside you and live the life God has prepared for you in 2016!

The force is strong in you

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me Your power and ability through Your Holy Spirit. The New Year will prove to a blessed one for me and my loved ones as I walk with you in faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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