On His Mind

What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
— Psalm 8:4 (NIV)

Life can move fast at times and make you feel insignificant. It’s very possible for you to go an entire day without someone asking, “How are you?” It may seem like the needs of others are far more important than yours. The kids need this. Your spouse has to have that. Your friend needs a shoulder. While you’re busy caring for others, who is caring for you?

God is always focused on you. He is constantly thinking about you and working everything out for your good. When you pour into others, He replenishes you. He restores you. God thought of you and cares about you enough to sacrifice His only Son, Jesus, for you. So the next time you’re feeling alone or kicked to the curb, remember, you serve a mighty God who is always mindful of you and cares for you.

All day, everyday

Lord, thank You for being mindful of me. I know You care for me and are always considering my needs. Thank You for pouring into me as I pour Your love into others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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