“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ”
I was trying to write today’s blog, and seemed like things just kept coming up that needed my attention. Not necessarily “important” things, but nonetheless…things. True story! I sat down to write, and all of a sudden I got sleepy. I got emails. I got text messages on my phone. And they all got my attention.
Suddenly, it dawned on me—Satan must really be trying to stop me from getting this message to someone who needs the help! Once I realized this was a tactic of the enemy to keep me busy from doing God’s work, I immediately got rid of all the distractions and went into battle.
Too often we expect the devil to show up with horns in a red suit, and miss the subtle tactics of the enemy. Remember, he’s like a roaring lion, not an actual lion. So he’ll appear to be something important just to distract you from what’s really important. When it’s time to study God’s word your phone vibrates. In worship on Sunday out of nowhere you become sleepy. All tactics of the enemy!
Don’t fall for the enemy’s tactics. Be alert and sober minded to the point where you can identify the tricks of the father of lies, and make sure we’re doing the things of Jesus’ agenda for our lives.
“Heavenly Father, thank you for your guidance. Help me to realize what’s important and what’s distracting me from your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”