"Good Morning!"

…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
— Psalm 30:5b NKJV

While commuting to work in west Michigan, I get plenty of opportunities to witness God’s awesomeness by way of beautiful sunrises. I see the natural gradients of the sky, and I see the affect the sun has on the things around me. To me, a sunrise is the spark of a new day, and symbolic of a new start in life. Any and everything that took place yesterday is over. The past. Out of my hands. Today is new.

When I walk into my church and am greeted by our hospitality ministry, no matter what time in the day it is, I say “Good morning!” The person greeting me often looks at me puzzled, as if I am crazy or maybe responded wrongly out of habit. But, nevertheless, in the few steps when later I’m greeted with another “Good afternoon, Deacon Burch,” I respond again saying, “Good morning!” When corrected, I assure the person that I’m aware of my response, explaining, “Isn’t that when God promised joy to come?” 

The words night and morning in Psalm 30:5b serve as metaphors for the bad and good periods of our lives. Sometimes we allow night to overstay its time and overtake the light. For example, sometimes we allow what happened at work earlier in the day to determine our attitude at home in the evening, or even allow it to carry over to the next day. But, when we remember that the bad only lasts for a moment, night instantly becomes morning.

God intends for us to experience His joy continuously. Morning is a renewal of your mind, not a time of day. So no matter the time of day or what just happened in your life… “Good morning!”

It's always morning somewhere!

Thank You God for Your joy that can never be taken away or replaced. I am overjoyed that You are mindful of me. I love You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer