Can you remember the last thing you gave up for the sake of Christ? Did you sacrifice working overtime so you could attend bible study? Maybe you gave up smoking marijuana or binge eating. Perhaps you stopped cursing or the gossiping that once made you the “cool kid.”
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For some, the above examples may not be significant or life altering events, but they can contribute significantly to hindering your walk with Christ. Don’t allow fear to enter your heart or mind and intimidate you into thinking you can’t accomplish what Christ has already empowered you to do. Whatever you sacrifice, replace that void with something Christ-centered. You’ll soon see what you gain in Christ is well worth the loss.
Goals and boundaries
Heavenly Father, I will step out in faith and give my life away to gain eternity in You. I have the strength through You to give up things of my flesh to gain the blessings You have stored for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.