Have you taken a look around today? It seems like everyone is into something destructive lately. Every corner you turn is a new weed spot. Drug addiction is at a record high. Ratchetness is ratcheting up and the most common laws are being broken just because. You would think that nobody cares about anyone or anything.
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Whether this is your outlook or reality, it doesn’t have to be. The world has its agenda, and you don’t have to follow it. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t give you an excuse to. You have been called with a purpose. You have a Kingdom agenda. Wide is the gate to destruction and though it may seem appealing at times, stay the course Christ has for you. In those tempting, trying times, call on the Lord for strength. Your family needs you. Your friends need you. Your community needs you. So, if the world around you is going to hell in a handbasket, you don’t have to. Remain the godly example Jesus has called you to be.
Be the light
Heavenly Father, forgive me for trying to do life without You. I know I can rely on You to carry me through whatever hardship I may experience. You are my rock and my salvation. Thank You for being my shield and lifting my head to experience Your glory! In Jesus’ name. Amen.