It’s pretty darn human to think “what if” in life. What if I run out of gas in the middle of nowhere? What if I forget my speech in front of the audience? What if I’m confronted with racism? What if I can’t pay my bills next month? What if my health fails? We’re surrounded by “what if’s” every day, but never forget you’re surrounded by a Savior who can – and will – deliver you from all your fears.
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It’s OK to think about worst-case scenarios. After all, you need to plan and be prepared in life. It only becomes a problem when you think about them over and over again. That’s when thoughts cripple you and begin to consume and arrest your development. When you allow fear to move in it renders you hopeless and unable to hear God’s voice. Just remember to seek the Lord when entertaining the “what if’s” of life. It is then your heart and mind will become infused with positivity and productivity instead of negativity and destruction. Christ will deliver you from all your fears, but you have to seek Him. Call on the name of Jesus and activate your power over the tricks of the enemy today.
Thoughts have power
Heavenly Father, I made the choice to seek You today over the what if’s of life. I know You can, and will, deliver me from all my fears. Today, I walk in Your freedom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.