In Greg Harden’s book, Stay Sane In An Insane World, there’s a quote Tom Brady used in the forward that says, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” The seven-time NFL Super Bowl Champion was illustrating that no matter how much Greg taught him and spoke into his life, it would have no effect until he was ready to accept those words, apply them, and do the work. Tom sat under Greg’s coaching day after day, but nothing changed for him until he made the decision to do what Greg said.
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We have the ultimate teacher in Jesus Christ. In His Word He tells us how to have life, and life more abundant. He tells us how to treat one another. He tells us how to receive His precious promises. But until we make the decision to do what Jesus says, the Word of Truth will have no effect in our lives. Until we decide to do the work, our faith is dead. When we’re ready to receive God’s Word and commit to executing it, He will appear to us and reveal His plan for us. It is then we will achieve greatness and our lives will never be the same.
Be doers of the Word…
Heavenly Father, I commit to be more than a hearer of Your Word, but a doer. I am ready to execute Your Word and bring You all the glory and praise through my blessed life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.