“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and Him you must revere. Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him and hold fast to Him.”
We’re surrounded by leaders. Some are really good leaders - goal oriented, charismatic, and empowering, while other leaders make you wonder, “How in the world did they get that position?” While I firmly believe the only way you become a good leader is by following one, be sure your leader does not replace your God.
Hopefully, the leader you’re following has godly attributes and principles, but always remember who God is. It is the Lord your God you must follow, and Him you must revere. Follow your earthly leader’s rules, but keep God’s commands and obey Him. Serving your leader should not conflict with serving God. The two should align and allow you to serve in your purpose using your spiritual gift. But if any doubt should arise in your mind, and you question if you should go left or right, go with God! Following Him is always the right choice.
I have decided to follow…
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Heavenly Father, it is You that I will follow and revere. I will keep Your commands and obey You. I will serve You and hold fast to You forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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