“And when all the people saw it, they fell face down on the ground and cried out, ‘The LORD—He is God! Yes, the LORD is God!’”
There is only one true God. The God we serve is Lord of heaven and earth, creator of the universe and all within it. (Bless His Holy name!) Unfortunately, people today are in search of something to believe in and end up making false gods to pledge their lives to. This is where you and I have to show them the Lord is God. We do this by our testimony. We show them in our godly walk of faith, service, humility, and above all, love. When the world witnesses the goodness of our God they will have no choice but to join in worship with us. We only have to show them our Lord. And you know what? They’re ready to see Him.
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Heavenly Father, You are Lord! I want the entire earth to know of You for themselves. I proclaim today that You are God. Yes! You are my Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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