“And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, ‘He is indeed the Son of God!’”
People need a ray of hope today. There is so much negativity and hatred being spread everywhere we turn. It almost seems as though nothing good is happening in our cities, on our jobs, or in our communities. As believers, we can’t wait for someone else to do what Jesus has asked us to do. We have to tell somebody about His goodness. We don’t have to wait for a charge from our churches or local leaders to do this. We can immediately begin to tell everyone of God’s love, how Jesus has changed our lives, and how He can change today’s circumstances. We have to be the voice to provide hope and usher in change. Today doesn’t have to be the same as yesterday. And it starts with believers telling somebody about Christ.
I am not ashamed
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Heavenly Father, You have done so much for me that I have to tell somebody. I am not ashamed to preach Your love, Your hope, or Your salvation. Give me the courage to be the light You’ve called me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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