“But the Pharisees said, ‘He can cast out demons because He is empowered by the prince of demons.’”
In today’s scripture, Jesus is seen healing the blind and returning the ability to speak to a demon-possessed man. When the Pharisees witnessed this, they mocked Christ and said Jesus was empowered by the prince of demons even though He was doing the work of God. I want to encourage you to keep doing God’s work even when people criticize you. They don’t understand what God is doing through you or the path you’re on. Like Jesus, don’t even address your critics. Focus even more on pleasing God and bringing Him glory. That way, when your critics become in need of prayer, you’ll able and prepared when they’re ready to understand.
You’re the example
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Heavenly Father, I know who I am in You. I draw my power from You to use my gift to glorify the Father. Thank You for Your protection and directing my path. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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