“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as He said would happen. Come, see where His body was lying.”
Yesterday, we celebrated Resurrection Sunday. God allowed His Son, Jesus, to suffer the cross and die for the sin of the world so that we could receive salvation. Jesus was lied on, beaten beyond recognition, and left to die, but Jesus said He would rise again! What do you need to rise again in your life? What have you given up on? You have the power through Christ Jesus to speak directly to your situation and rise again. Wherever you are today in life is temporary. Rise! Let what happened yesterday die. You have so much more life to live in Jesus. He got up so that you could too! Rise today.
He got up
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Heavenly Father, thank You for dying for my sin. You have shown me that I too can rise from my difficult times and walk victorious in You. I choose to rise today! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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