“Then Jesus said to the disciples, ‘Have faith in God.’”
We may never understand God’s timing. It’s never a good time to lose a loved one. It’s never a good time for our places of business to shut down. It’s never a good time for our health fail. The truth is, it’s not our job to understand God’s timing. Our job is to have faith in God. Have faith that He knows what He’s doing. Have faith that His plan will work out for our good. We may be facing a huge mountain today, but Jesus said through faith we can speak to that mountain and tell it to move. That’s what’s inside us and that’s who we are! That’s the power we have through faith. Let’s exercise our faith in God today and speak to those mountains in our lives.
Move mountain!
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Heavenly Father, I have faith in You. I may not always understand or know Your plan, but I do know You love me and are working everything out for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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