“Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
Shhhh! Can you hear that? Jesus is calling your name. He’s called you before and you simply responded, “Here I am, Jesus” but did you go? Have you done the last thing God told you to get up and go do? Did you forgive that family member or friend you haven’t spoken to in umpteen years? Did you give your offering to the church you promised you would when God blessed you financially? Did you put into action the last scripture you read? Jesus called you and you answered, but He can’t reveal to you the rest of your blessing until you get up and go. Don’t be afraid and don’t ask any questions to which you already know the answer. You’re in great hands. You can trust Christ. Just get up and go.
Don’t wait any longer
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Heavenly Father, I hear Your voice. I am blessed that You’ve called my name. In faith, I will get up and go knowing You will tell me what I must do. Thank You for using me, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer