Through the Storm

He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.
— PSALM 107:29 (NLT)

Last week southwest Michigan was hit with a terrible winter storm. As luck would have it, I had to drive to a customer before roads were cleared and the snow stopped. There were plenty of times I thought to turn back and cancel my appointment, but as I kept driving through the storm, the sun began to shine. I drove longer and the storm ceased, and the roads became clear. I reached my destination. There are storms you may have to go through to see the Lord’s sunshine and clear roads. And to see them, you have to keep driving through your storms in life and know God will calm your storm. There’s growth, peace, and prosperity on the other side of your storm. But you have to keep driving to reach God’s destination for you.

Keep driving

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Heavenly Father, You have built me for this storm I’m experiencing, and I know You are with me to guide me, protect me, and calm this storm. I will be better because of it. I will reach my destination in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is my prayer


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