Your Destiny

Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: ‘Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you.’
— JONAH 3:1 – 2 (NLT)

Did you mess up again? Did you say something you should not have or do something you should not have? Did you finally figure out that you aren’t perfect because of a mistake you’ve made? Good! God can still use you if you let Him.

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Too many times we focus on our mistakes and forget the fact that Jesus is our potter and we are His clay. He can mold us into whatever He has called us to be regardless of our past or future mistakes. Nothing or no one can stop us from reaching our destiny in Christ. He’s a God of second chances. What He had for us to do before our sin is still there for us after we repent. Don’t waste another minute in the past. Reach forward toward your destiny!

God still wants you


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Heavenly Father, I am not perfect. I have sinned. Please forgive me. Use me in a way that You only can. Restore me! Show me the path to my destiny. I am forgiven. I am blessed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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