“You are the world’s seasoning, to make it tolerable. If you lose your flavor, what will happen to the world?”
It is said that salt has more than 14,000 uses. Not only is it used for making our favorite meals deliciously enjoyable, but it can also be used to prevent the browning of apples, remove grease spots on rugs, clean brass, and treat mosquito and bee stings, in addition to many other kitchen, cleaning, health and beauty applications.
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Jesus compares us to being the salt of the world. He tells us how important it is for each one us to contribute our own season to our communities, and urges us to continuously improve them. The Latin word for season is serere, which means to sow. God wants us to sow into the earth with what He’s given us. As Christians we all have different gifts and abilities, different ways we can add salt to the earth. Whether you are performing a life saving medical procedure or delivering Tuesday’s newspaper with a smile, Jesus wants us to use our influence to make the world a better place.
A dash will do
“Lord, I thank you for gifting me with an ability to add flavor to our world. Change me so that I may aid in changing others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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