“Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.”
The devil knows you’ve accepted Christ. He knows you’re saved and that you cannot be plucked from God’s hand. He knows there’s a fence of protection all around you. He knows there is nothing he can do about all that, but he does know a way to prevent you from living the very best life God has planned for you. Temptation!
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Temptation makes you want to do things against God’s will and sin. We both know that the wages of sin is death. So, each time we give in to our sinful desires and sin, something in our life has to die. A blessing dies. A good thought dies. A godly action dies. Don’t give in! Don’t let sin control the way you live. You’re human, yes, but you don’t have to sin. God has given you a way to escape your temptation. Put your energy in finding that escape and not into your sinful desire. Don’t give in and let what Jesus has for you die to sin.
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“Heavenly Father, I have Your strength to fight against my sinful desires. I will not let sin control the way I live. I will live godly and in Your statutes! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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