“Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away.”
In today’s scripture, the Apostle Paul is in pain. We find him begging God to take the pain away. I suggest Paul is recounting one his past experience, because in the following scripture we find he realizes his pain has purpose. Paul realized what to pray and that his initial prayer to Christ was incorrect.
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There are two ways that God deals with pain. One, God will remove your pain, or two, God will make you stronger to overcome your pain. When you experience pain, know what to pray. If God allows you to experience pain, it’s something in you He’s trying to grow and get out of you for you and the world to witness. In pain, pray the Lord reveals His will to you. What does He want you to experience, to know, or to grow from? Don’t focus on the pain, but instead focus on the change.
I’m listening, Lord
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Heavenly Father, reveal Your will to me. What are You showing me, Lord? Order my step to grow in You in this time of pain and discomfort. I know You are in control, and I trust in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
This is my prayer