“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”
When you plan to give, God plans to give to you. Everything you have is on loan from God. Where you live, what you drive, and all your possessions can’t follow you into the afterlife. The Egyptian Pharaohs tried to “take it with them” by building the pyramids, but it still didn’t really work out as they planned. So, God blessed you generously to give to others.
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It’s an investment that always yields a godly return. When you freely give of your heart, God promised to generously provide all you need. He said you will always have everything you need, watch this, AND plenty left over to share with others. You don’t lose when you give. You actually gain. Are you a cheerful giver? If not, look for ways to become a giver and then expect God to do what He said.
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Heavenly Father, I am a giver. And because I’m a giver, You said you would generously provide all I need and have plenty left over to share. I claim Your abundance today over my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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