“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
On the day of your birth, God placed a seed in you for the world to be blessed by. You’re blessed because of this seed within you. The seed within you is like no other seed in this world. It is unique. It is valuable. It is life changing. It is strong. It is you. And in order for this seed to grow, it has to be planted. When your seed grows, Jesus says it is going to produce a hundred, sixty or thirty times! But like I said, it has to be planted.
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To be planted means some people are going to throw dirt on you. Dirt can be heavy, but thank God, you have a strong seed inside you. Somebody may even throw manure on you, but you know what? I heard that makes a seed grow faster and a plant stronger. Whatever life throws your way, know that you have a strong seed inside of you that can handle it. God is working everything for good. And before you know it, your seed is going to burst out of the dirt and you’re going to blossom and produce a crop according to the promises of the Lord!
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“Heavenly Father, You are my solid rock. My foundation is built on You for I have dug down deep. So when the flood comes I will not be shaken, because my spirit is built well in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”