“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
God has blessed us with life to be a blessing to others. Along the way, we will experience some great times, eat nice meals, see good movies and meet extraordinary people, but the true enjoyment of life is appreciating each day, each hour, each minute. That is how we gain a heart of wisdom. Appreciate today for today!
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Take one day at a time. Don’t worry yourself about what’s going to happen twenty or thirty years from now. Scripture says that tomorrow has sufficient trouble of its own. Now, I’m not saying to blow life and not to plan ahead for twenty years, but I am saying to appreciate today for today. Take some time to sit and think of God’s goodness. I know you have projects to work and chores to do, but just take five minutes to focus on your breathing, to think of God’s goodness. Don’t multi-task. Just sit, relax, and focus on the moment. Inhale. Exhale. Thank God for one more day. It’s worth it.
One day at a time
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“Heavenly Father, You created today and I bless Your name for it! I will live every moment of today knowing that it is a blessing. Tomorrow can wait. I have life to live today! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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