“If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.”
Have you made your list of things you want to do today? I know making a list keeps me on track and helps me feel accomplished as I check items off “complete” throughout the day. I make lists for work when I have multiple projects I’m working on. I make lists when I go grocery shopping, so I don’t forget the important things or overspend. And on the weekends, I make a list for all the errands I have run. So, for me, if I want to get something done, and I don’t want to forget something important, I need to make sure to put it on a list. That includes helping people.
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Sometimes you can get so busy doing things that you forget to do the main thing – God’s work. With all the work and activities you have planned today, don’t forget to add “help someone” to your list of things to do. Be careful not to get too wrapped up in what you’re doing or “have” to do. You may miss an opportunity to be a blessing to someone. After all, that’s why Jesus blessed you; to be a blessing to someone else. Plus, you’ll find that helping others releases you from the problems in your life. Plan to help someone today. Go out of your way to meet the need of another. God’s hand will move in your life when you move in the lives of others.
Important work
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me to bless others. What’s on my agenda is not more important than Your agenda – and neither am I. Use me, Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”