“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”
We’re challenged by our flesh daily. When we allow our minds to be influence by what the flesh wants, something must die. Now, wait! I’m not saying God takes our lives when we give into our flesh. No. Jesus sacrificed and died for our sin that we may live. What I am saying is when our mind is governed by the flesh, the harsh words we choose can kill relationships, fleshly actions can kill godly opportunities, and fleshly thoughts can lead to the death of a holy conscience.
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But when your mind is governed by the Spirit of God, you will experience life and peace. Why? Because you know God is in control. You don’t have to worry about what they try to do to you at work, because you know Christ is working everything out for your good. You don’t have to worry about the new gossip out on you because you know no weapon formed against you will prosper. You no longer have time to think about what the flesh wants, because your mind and spirit wants what Jesus wants. If you want to experience life and peace, make sure your mind is governed by the Spirit of Christ.
Choose life
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“Heavenly Father, I have decided to no longer allow my mind to be governed by my flesh. I choose life and peace by allowing my mind to be governed by Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”