“The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.”
Ever wonder why God doesn’t just come back tomorrow and set all the craziness in this world straight? He sees all the violence, injustices and things not of Him happening. He sees His people in peril, bondage and slayed daily. Jesus could return in the blink of an eye and fix everything with a snap of the finger. Why doesn’t He? Well, as scripture points out to us, His ways are not our ways and everything is in His timing not ours. What’s happening today, He foretold us. So, what are we to do?
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We are to be silent before God in reverence to His position. What’s His position? He’s in His holy temple, where only the God of heaven and earth can operate. Our silence before Him doesn’t mean we are quiet. It means we recognize Him as Lord. We agree. There’s no argument. We know He’s the one true God. When the rest of the world is silent before Him, then the wars stop, then the injustices end, then the violence cease. Why doesn’t Jesus come back right now? He’s still giving us time: believers more time to offer salvation and others more time to accept Him as Lord.
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“Heavenly Father, You are the one, true God. I worship You in spirit and in truth. I will tell the world of You and offer salvation to the lost. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”