“Now the Lord sent a wind that brought quail from the sea and let them fall all around the camp. For miles in every direction there were quail flying about three feet above the ground.”
Scripture says what seems impossible to man is possible with God. Today, I want to encourage you that God is ready to do the impossible in your life. What you’ve been praying for, hoping for and asking for is not too big for Jesus. You only need to believe in your request and take your hands off by allowing God to be God. You don’t have to know the what, where, when or how. You only need to know the Who. Jesus!
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In today’s scripture, Moses had no idea how he was going to provide meat for the Israelites in the wilderness. He thought it was up to him. Nope! Moses only had to be obedient and allow God to do the rest. When God makes a promise to you it’s up to Him to provide. You may not see a way, but don’t worry. God sees a way. You my not understand when, but don’t worry. God is never late. Have confidence when you go to God in prayer, knowing He heard you and will give you the desires of your heart.
Jesus will handle the rest
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“Heavenly Father, I know You are my provider. I will rest in Your blessings believing You will handle my what, when, where and how. My confidence and faith are in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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