“Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.”
You have the victory in Christ Jesus over the enemy. Your enemy is any spirit that says you are anything but what God has called you. That’s right. Spirit. Your enemy is not the person giving you a hard time. Your enemy is not the leftover slice of sweet potato pie in your refrigerator. Your enemy is the spirit that comes to steal, kill and destroy every piece of peace and bountiful blessing Jesus wants you to have.
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You are redeemed from the hand of the enemy. The enemy doesn’t want you to know this. And when you decide to walk in your redemption, voices are going to remind you of the mistakes you’ve made, your past failures, or convince you you’re unworthy. You have to put those voices in their place - behind you! Fact is, you are redeemed! You are blessed! You belong to God and you are worthy of peace, happiness, love and a new start! Whatever happened yesterday, let yesterday handle that. You have too much of God’s goodness to experience today to be distracted by what Christ has already put behind you.
Victory is yours
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“Heavenly Father, for redeeming me from the hand of the enemy. I am victorious in You. I am blessed. I am worthy. I am safe in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”