God Don't Make Junk

Now they know that everything You have given me comes from You.
— JOHN 17:7 (NIV)

You have dominion over the earth. Everything that God has is yours and everything you have is His according to John 17:10. This means all of God’s wisdom, all of His power, love, peace, endurance, His all, is yours! So why aren’t you living your best life yet?

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I’ll tell you why! You’re still listening to that little voice in the back of your mind that’s telling you that you can’t live your best life. You’re still listening to the elementary teacher who said you’d amount to nothing! You’re still listening to that supervisor who called your work mediocre at best! You’re still listening to that boyfriend or girlfriend who criticized your looks! But let me inform you – God don’t make junk! Defeat those voices in your head today with what Christ says about you. Everything you are and have comes from Him and everything of God is good. Stop listening to Satan and start living with Christ.

I am His workmanship


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Heavenly Father, I am created in Your image. I have dominion over the earth. Everything I have and am comes from You! I pledge to start living my best life for You today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer